Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 3 Notes

Summarize: George and Lennie are now staying at the bunkhouse. Candy's dog ends up being killed because Carlson feels that he's suffering and there's no point in him living anymore. As the chapter goes on, George and Lennie start to talk about this lovely dream house they both wish to own one day. Candy offers to help buy this amazing house with them and he wants to join in this dream also. Then, Curley comes in furious because he can't find his wife once again. While Lennie is actually smiling about this wonderful dream house they will soon have, Curley thinks Lennie's laughing at him. Curley gets into a fight with Lennie that turns into something bigger than I expected. George screams out for him to fight back but Lennie is so frightened he's not sure what to do. When Curley tried to throw a punch, Lennie grabbed his fist and clenched it into his own hand. Meanwhile, George is yelling at him to let go of his hand because Lennie won't let go until he is told to. Lennie had blood all over his face but he finally let go of Curley's hand. I can only imagine that his hand has a few broken bones in it because of Lennie's strength.

Question: On page 62 and continuing on page 63, there is a huge physical fight between Curley and Lennie. Curley couldn't find his wife and Lennie just so happened to be smiling about the dream house disscussion. Curley got angry at him because he thought he was laughing at him. During the fight, George was yelling at Lennie to fight back. I wonder why none of the other guys in the bunkhouse got involved in the fight or tried to help out Lennie or Curley? Also, once Lennie did do something why did George tell him to stop right away? I think Lennie has the right to show he's not just a weakling that everyone portrays him as and Curley beat him up pretty bad so I think he's allowed to just break a few bones in his hand.

Prediction: I think Curley will finally comprehend to just leave Lennie alone because he's harmless. Also, I think Lennie, George, and Candy will actually leave the bunkhouse or start saving to leave. I have a feeling that Lennie might get into some trouble this coming chapter by the clues they have already provided us. The author told the reader that he is known for getting in trouble and George has been telling him to hide in this bush whenever something goes wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your prediction, and I've been thinking the same. Because Lennie has been in trouble in Weed. And George may feel it too because, yes he has warned him where to hide. George may know too that Lennie will begin to do some reckless stuff.
